【報告名稱】:China’s Wheat Industry Atlas | |
【關 鍵 字】:
Wheat Industry |
【出版日期】:Mar/2012 | 【報告格式】:電子版或紙介版 |
【中文價格】:印刷版0元 電子版0元 印刷版+電子版0元 | |
【英文價格】:印刷版0元 電子版USD880.00元 印刷版+電子版0元 | |
【交付方式】:Email發送或EMS快遞 | 【報告編碼】:SN7332 |
【報告頁碼】:80 | 【圖表數量】:150 |
【訂購熱線】:400-666-1917(免長話費) | |
【Report Name】:China’s Wheat Industry Atlas
【Report Code】:SN
【Form】: PDF or Hard copy
【Delivery】: E-mail or EMS
【Report Price】:PDF Copy: 880USD
Chinese agriculture has kept an increasingly closed connection with global market in recent years. In China, not only the import volume of soybean rapidly exceeds 50 million MT, and cotton, sugar, dairy, etc, are experiencing the growing degrees of dependence on international markets, but also Chinese corn output is less likely to satisfy the increasing demand of corn. Meanwhile, Chinese animal husbandry is changing toward scaled and industrialization development, which attracts capital inflow from varying fields. Now, the supply and demand of Chinese agricultural products, as well as industrial development status, increasingly becomes focus for producers, investors and traders at home and abroad.
In order to help domestic and foreign institutions and people concerned to agriculture and related fields entirely and visually understand the development features and changes of Chinese agricultural industry, our company published “Chinese Agricultural Products Industry Atlas (2010)” in 2010. It has been widely acclaimed by domestic and foreign customers.
On the basis of asking for suggestions and requirements from our customers, our company will publish “Chinese Agricultural Products Industry Atlas (2012)” in April 2012.
Compared to “2010 Atlas”, “2012 Atlas” will represent the following changes:
(1) The main agricultural products included in “2012 Atlas” cover 17 varieties(categories) such as corn, wheat, rice, soybean, rapeseed, sugar, live hog, broiler, layer, dairy cattle, dairy product, vegetable protein meal, industrial feed, nitrogen fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer, potash and compound fertilizer.
(2) Each product is included in one volume, covering the more comprehensive contents about main industrial chains such as producing, processing, trade and consumption.
(3) The information about key enterprises and key enterprise groups of each agricultural product industry is further specified. The group’s branches, main business, producing capacity, etc, all will be shown in the maps.
(4) based on accurate and detailed data, intuitive presentation and brief analyst, “2012 Atlas” will represent the main changing features about related industry in the last two years.
Based on a large number of detailed and accurate data, map data of 1: 1,000,000 as platform, and the use of Geographical Information System (GIS), “2012 Atlas” is made in both Chinese and English versions.
The data is done until the end of 2011.
“2012 Atlas” will be published on April 30, 2012.
Wish the professionals concerned to Chinese agriculture and agricultural products will continue to pay close attention to the “Atlas” and also hope it will bring a bigger help for your job.
1 China’s Wheat Production
1.1 China’s Wheat Production and Distribution
Fig.1 Chinas Wheat Plantation Area, 1979-2010
Fig.2 Chinas Wheat Yield, 1979-2010
Fig.3 Chinas Wheat Output, 1979-2010
Map 1 Comparison of Wheat Plantation Area by Province, 2010
Map 2 Comparison of Wheat Yield by Province, 2010
Map 3 Comparison of Wheat Output by Province, 2010
Map 4 Comparison of Wheat Output by County
1.2 Costs and Profits of Wheat Production (Per Unit Area)
Fig.4 Costs of Wheat Production in Main Producing Provinces, 1975-2010
Fig.5 Output Value of Wheat in Main Producing Provinces, 1975-2010
Fig.6 Profits of Wheat Production in Main Producing Provinces, 1975-2010
Map 5 Comparison of Wheat Production Costs in Main Producing Provinces 2010
Map 6 Comparison of Wheat Output Value in Main Producing Provinces 2010
Map 7 Comparison of Wheat Production Profits in Main Producing Provinces 2010
2 China’s Wheat Processing
Fig.7 Wheat Flour Output of Scaled Enterprises in China, 2003-2011
Fig.8 Daily Processing Capacity of China’s Wheat Processing Enterprises, 2004-2010
Fig.9 Flour Product Mix in China
Fig.10 Profit of Wheat Processing, 2007-2011
Map 8 Distribution of Main Wheat Processing Enterprises in China, 2011
Map 9 Comparison of Wheat Processing Capacity by Province, 2010
Map 10 Comparison of Wheat Demand by Province, 2010
Map 11 Comparison of Flour Output by Province, 2011
3 China’s Instant Noodles and Frozen Staple Food Production
Fig.11 Instant Noodles Output of Scaled Enterprises, 2006-2011
Fig.12 Frozen Staple Food Output of Scaled Enterprises, 2007-2011
Map 12 Instant Noodles Output by Province in China, 2011
Map 13 Frozen Staple Food Output by Province in China, 2011
4 China’s Trade of Wheat and Derived Products
4.1 China’s Wheat Trade
Fig.13 Chinas Wheat Import Volume and Price, 2000-2011
Fig.14 Chinas Wheat Export Volume and Price, 2000-2011
Map 14 Wheat Import Volume by Province, 2011
Map 15 Wheat Import Volume by Original Country, 2011
4.2 China’s Flour Trade
Fig.15 Chinas Flour Import Volume and Price, 2000-2011
Fig.16 Chinas Flour Export Volume and Price, 2000-2011
Map 16 Flour Import Volume by Province, 2011
Map 17 Flour Import Volume by Original Country, 2011
Map 18 Flour Export Volume by Province, 2011
Map 19 Flour Export Volume by Destination Country, 2011
4.3 China’s Wheat Bran Trade
Fig.17 Chinas Wheat Bran Import Volume and Price, 2008-2011
Map 20 Wheat Bran Import Volume by Province, 2011
Map 21 Wheat Bran Import Volume by Original Country, 2011
5 China’s Main Wheat Storage and Processing Enterprises
Map 22 Quantity Distribution of China’s Grain Storage Enterprises by Province, 2010
Map 23 Enterprises Distribution of Sinograin
Map 24 Enterprises Distribution of Wudeli Flour Group
Map 25 Distribution of Flour Enterprises of COFCO
Map 26 Distribution of Flour Enterprises of Hualong Flour Milling Group
Map 27 Distribution of Flour Enterprises of Yihai Kerry Group
Map 28 Distribution of Flour Enterprises of Beijing Guchuan Food Co., Ltd.
Map 29 Enterprises Distribution of Jinyuan Flour Co., Ltd.
Map 30 Distribution of Flour Enterprises of Renji Group
Map 31 Enterprises Distribution of Luwang Flour Group
Map 32 Distribution of Flour Enterprises of Fada Group
Map 33 Distribution of Flour Enterprises of Dacheng Group
Map 34 Distribution of Flour Enterprises of Lam Soon Group
Map 35 Enterprises Distribution of Anhui Wanwang Flour Group
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