Household Wares industry incorporates furniture, kitchenware and bathroom supplies.
The house ware market is booming recent years and keeping a sustainable increasing trend. Furniture market took the biggest share in this industry while the home-decoration got a relative small share. Home-decoration and tableware were consumed faster when coming 2015.
As the change of people's consumption awareness that meets the ecofriendly society and resource saving, house ware industry will pay more attention on those requirements. What is more, housing improvements, reconstruction of the urban village and second child policy will bring more chances to house ware industry.
1) The Aim of this report
? To provide readers with comprehensive & in-depth understanding of China’s household wares industry;
? To understand the development situation of household wares industry in China;
? Get more information of the major household wares producers in China;
? Gain insight into the major household wares producers about operation;
? To predict what future of China household wares industry will be;
? To reveal opportunities in China household wares industry.
2) Benefit from the report
? Financial performance in 2015 and YoY changes, including revenue, operating profit, net profit, revenue and gross profit margin from household wares business;
? Changes of revenue and net profit in the latest five years and the reasons;
? Adjustment to business structure in the recent 2-3 years;
? Development strategy and development trends in the near future.
3) Deliverables
PDF-format report, with around 30-50 pages.
4) Time needed
Three working days needed.
Part | Contents |
1 | Executive summary |
2 | Ranking of main listed domestic house ware enterprises in 2015 |
2.1 | List ofChina’s listed house ware enterprises |
2.2 | By revenue |
2.3 | By net profit |
2.4 | By total assets |
2.5 | By revenue and gross profit margin of house ware business |
2.6 | By operating profit |
2.7 | By primary earnings per share |
3 | Analysis of listed house ware enterprises |
3.1 | Zhejiang Supor Co., Ltd. |
3.2 | Yihua LifestyleTechnology Co., Ltd. |
3.3 | Markor International Home Furnishings Co., Ltd. |
3.4 | Suofeiya Home Collection Co., Ltd. |
3.5 | Zhejiang Aishida Electric Co., Ltd. |
3.6 | Guangzhou Seagull Kitchen and Bath Products Co., Ltd. |
3.7 | Xilinmen Furniture Co., Ltd. |
3.8 | Jiangsu Xiuqiang Glasswork Co., Ltd. |
3.9 | UE Furniture Co., Ltd. |
3.10 | Fujian Guanfu Modern Household Wares Co., Ltd. |
3.11 | QuMei Home Furnishings Group Co., Ltd. |
3.12 | Ningbo Xinhai Electric Co., Ltd. |
3.13 | Zhejiang Haers Vacuum Containers Co., Ltd. |
3.14 | Fujian Yongan Forestry (Group) Co., Ltd. |
3.15 | Guangzhou Holike Creative Home Co.,Ltd |
3.16 | Anhui Deli Household Glass Co., Ltd. |
3.17 | Xiamen R and T Plumbing Technology Co., Ltd. |
3.18 | Guang dong Sitong group co., Ltd. |
3.19 | Anhui Lucky Health Technology Co., Ltd. |
3.20 | The Great Wall Of Culture Group Holding Co., Ltd.Guangdong |
3.21 | Guangdong Songfa Ceramics CO., LTD. |
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